Monday, March 15, 2010

This weekend.....

Was good. I worked at church Saturday night and yesterday for the 1:00 service. Yesterday was a challange. I don't like chaos. I don't like walking into a situation where the kids are in charge of the adults and there's no structure or order. It drives me absolutely crazy. My boss had me check rooms at the beginning of my shift yesterday and my the time i went back into my room, it was a disaster. The other teacher, bless her heart, just let chaos come in and have its way. It wasn't pretty.

Today's the start of spring break. I'm very happy to have some downtime with my kids. They've been working hard. The weather is supposed to be decnt, maybe one day of rain. Spring break always brings back the memories though. it was right after spring break of '03 that my Benji was diagnosed with his brain tumor. During the break, I had no clue what was coming, but I really felt like it needed to be a special spring break. I took the kids out every day to somewhere fun. I had their friends come over. we slept in and just relaxed. It was a great week. I hope this week will be just as fun.  Only minus the brain tumor.


ModernDayDrifter said...

I'm glad you had a great weekend. Here's to a wonderful spring break!

AmazingGraceTX said...
