Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Last week was spring break in our house. With three kids in three different schools, spring break is a welcome respite from the usual routines. We ususally sleep in and go out to different places for lunch. We hang out together and have sleepovers with friends and whatnot.

 Seven years ago, spring break was perfect. The kids were still little, so a trip to Mr. Gatti's and Unidad park was a special treat. We had friends over for playdates and enjoyed the beautifil San Angelo weather.

A week later, we found out that our Benji had a brain tumor. It was a day that changed our family forever. He's 14 now and is taller than me. He's healthy and smart and thank God for him every day.
We still love spring break, but in the back of my mind, I go right back to seven years ago. It makes each spring break with my kids all that much sweeter.


ModernDayDrifter said...

That's great that spring break is a special time for you guys. I'm glad that Benji is turning into the young man that he is! You're family is truly blessed! :)

Jill Etter said...

What a GREAT God we have!!

AmazingGraceTX said...
