Friday, April 2, 2010

The past couple of days

Grace and I had our gilr's night out tuesday night. We went to Justice and bought her a new dress and we went to Vera bradley and bought me a new wallet. Vera Bradley was a no brainer. Pick out a wallet and all is good. Justice was a little bit different. Grace has grown so much that it was hard finding things that fit her. I literally found the last perfect dress in her size. Grace was very patient trying things on, but dang, it was a nightmare finding something pretty that fit properly. The fun part was just spending time together. Grace and I had a blast, just walking around and talikng and just being together. It's nice having a shopping buddy!

Yesterday was a little strange.   All started out normal. I went on a field trip with my daughter to a ranch. It was fun. We all had a blast. About half way through lunch, I check my twitter and there's a breaking news report that my son, Benji's school is under lockdown. After a few really stressful moments, we find out that the lockdown had been lifted. A kid had a gun hidden near the campus. Just thinking about the worst case scenario gives me chills. Thank God no one was hurt. I was thrilled to hear Benji's voice that afternoon and had a hardtime letting him out of my sight. Last night, the boys and I stayed up late watching New moon. Lets' just say that I'm grateful that we didn't have to pay to see it. A friend loaned us the DVD and that's all we're going to say about that.

Tonight Josh, Grace and I worked childcare at the church. Lots of kids, lots of volunteers and all went well. I love my job and I'm blessed to be able to serve this way. So that's been the past few days in a nutshell. Good Friday is such an important day. I'm so glad that I was able to spend it doing what I love best with my children by my side. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Dolphin said...

That is so sad. Children should be able to be safe at school. And parents should be able to send their children to school without fear or worry.

Anonymous said...

This post is beyond awesome. I am always wondering what to do and what not to do so I will follow some of these tips.

Anonymous said...

In it something is. Earlier I thought differently, I thank for the information.