Monday, April 19, 2010

It's been a while....

This weekend has been busy. Thursday, Benji had his very last MRI before being considered cured. We'll get the final word May 5th!! Friday, working with the kidlets, lots of fun, but tiring. Little Heroes Prom that night, also fun, but not as tiring. Saturday, we participated in this race to the finish thingy that our sunday school class had. I didn't want to do it. I was exhausted and it was raining so hard that there were wrecks all over the road. the organizer managed to change my husband's mind and we ended up doing it. we came in dead last. I think we might have other plans the day of next years' race.

Last night, we saw the most amazing concert! It was the Rock & Worship Road show, featuring Family Force Five, David Crowder Band and MercyMe. We also got to hear Francesca Baticcelli and Fee!! A great show for only $10 at the door and we had great seats!!

This morning, Rick left for a TDY in Washington DC. He'll be back later this week. I'm going in fior my biopsy today and I'm filming tomorrow. So we're keeping pretty busy. I'd better go get Benji up!!

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