Monday, April 12, 2010

Today's appointment....

All went pretty well. The doctor was nice and recognized my Vera right off the bat. Is it wrong that I gave him points for that? We talked about my symptoms and we talked about options for treatment.

Option #1, an IUD with progesterone. Hormones and a clotting condition don't go well together, so I shut that door and backed away slowly.

Option #2. Endometrial ablation. Doc: "blah blah blah, ablation!! Go for it. Me: "I don't know.  I hear it's very temporary. Doc: Oh no, it's not THAT temporary. Well, alrighty, then. Moving on...

Option #3, a hysterectomy, Yep, permanent, short term pain for long term gain, risks are there, but once it's done, it's done.

Doc told me to research and think on the options. I told him that's ALL I've been dong and i'm going with option #3 as soon as possible. I go in Monday for an endometrial biopsy and I need to get some blood work done tomorrow, but it looks like I'm on my way.

I know it won't be pleasant, but I'm sitting here, going through hell right now and I'm tired. This uterus has worked hard over the years, carrying four babies, three of them to term. It's time to put the poor thing out of my misery once and for all.

1 comment:

ModernDayDrifter said...

I'm sending prayers your way. I think you are making the right choice. :)