Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today was a great day!!!

Gasoline for the trip to BAMC----$3.00 per gallon

A Smoothie for Benji for being such a good patient---.5.00

Magazines for mom in the waiting room----$2.50 each

Lunch for all of us in the hospital dining hall----$5.00

Hearing your child's oncologist say, "Everything looks good, don't come back, unless there's a problem"---- PRICELESS!!!!!

This moment and other moments like this, is brought to you by a God who answers prayers and gives us miracles!! Thanks to all the prayer warriors out there!!! Seven years!!!!!! And he's cured!!

After his checkup, we had a hot dog at the hosptial, went to Best Buy to play with iPads and then had smoothies together, while facebooking each other. it was what Benji wanted to do and it was a blast. A great way to celebrate!!

1 comment:

Dolphin said...

Sounds like a perfect day and a perfect way to celebrate. :)

Such wonderful news!!!