Sunday, May 9, 2010


So, this week has been a rollercoaster. After being told that a hysterectomy would not be a good idea because of my high blood pressure, I went to my primary doc and was put on a low does blood pressure medicine. During this time, I've been thinking long and hard about the hysterectomy issue and i'm starting to feel like it's not such a good idea. Both my doctors seem very much against it and really, at this point, I'm not sure I'm in a good place to have something that radical done at this point.

So, I'm thinking about option number two, the endometrial ablasion. I'm not opposed to having NORMAL periods. It's just this heavy duty stuff that's really hurting me month after month. So, this week, I'll be calling my OBGYN and telling him that I'll go with the ablasion in good faith, but that if it doesn't work, then the hyster discussion will be back on the table. I'm not going anywhere. My doc isn't going anywhere. My uterus is obviously not going anywhere, so I have time to try other options.

In other Zello news, Friday was Relay For Life. Benji raised $105 for our adopted team, friday Night Lights, tacklinf cancer. He got a certificate for being the youngest survivor and he got to carry the flag, along with the oldest survivor across the finsih line of the survivor lap. My other son, Josh stayed home that day and finished moths of hard work on the video for the luminaria ceremony. It was a great, but tiring night. yesterday, I spent most of the day on the couch nursing sore legs. That'll teach me to not get in shape before relay. today was about the most perfect Mother's Day i can remember. I wroekd with my threes today and ministering to them while their mommas got to go to church was the best Mother's day gift I could have given myself. I actually told my boss I wanted the summer off on sundays, and then got put back ON the schedule because these kids are just grtabbing my heart ever Sunday. I'm so blessed.

This week is going to be a relaxing one. No filming, thank goodness. I love it, but I really have stuff to catch up on and not having to drive up to Austin this week will be a well deserved break.

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