Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Been there, done that, going back!

In March of this year, I had an amazing opportunity to go and serve in hurricane damaged Puerto Rico with an incredible team of people. While we were there, we helped lay foundation and pour concrete for a sister church that was heavily damaged. Being over there, serving and leaning on my faith changed me in ways I never expected.

This experience blessed me so much that I’m feeling called to go back. There’s another team going in July to help rebuild with the same church. God has been telling me very clearly that I am not done there and that He is not done using me there.

So I’m coming to you once again to ask humbly for you to partner with me on this next trip. Our team goal is $15,000. Any amount donated would be a blessing and greatly appreciated. If you feel led to donate, here’s what you can do.

Donate Online:
Please include my name and select Puerto Rico Mission trip
Mail checks to:
River City Community Church
16765 Lookout Rd
Selma, Texas 78154
(Include my name, Loriann Zello, in the memo)
Again, thank you so much for your prayers and support. God bless.
Thank you,
Loriann Zello

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