Faith and Timeless.
I’m a woman, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a fan of Timeless, and most importantly, a Christian. My faith is so very important to me and tends to color the way I look at the world. When I look at my entertainment choices, my faith drives the bus. I’ve always been fascinated with history and time travel and Timeless fits those likes very nicely. Not only the historical time travel aspect, but the human aspect as well.
The cast contains a historian, a soldier, a techie, a man bent on revenge and an array of supporting characters. Each week, the time team goes back to try and change or preserve history as needed to save the world as we know it. Each week, moral and ethical dilemmas are discussed and dealt with. Once in a while, fate, free will, destiny and faith in God will come up.
Last season, our antagonist, played brilliantly by Goran Višnjić, sat in a church and pondered the whole God vs fate vs free will conundrum intelligently and respectfully. One episode later, he was at his rock bottom, saying that he prayed to God and he was led to that point. The historian, played by Abigail Spencer, countered with, “what if God led you to me?” It was a very powerful moment in the series, not preachy, not disrespectful, just raising questions about faith in general.
Last night, Rufus, played by Malcom Barrett, stated that he doesn’t believe in God. He watched his mother pray every night for their circumstances to change and in the end, Rufus stated that he was the one who changed his circumstances. Again, not disrespectful, just painfully honest in the context of the show.
So imagine my surprise when I see an article this morning, stating that Timeless mocks Christianity. I sat and thought back to the series and what I’ve seen and I’m not seeing mocking.
I’m seeing flawed humans, trying to understand life. I’m seeing diversity with belief systems. I’m seeing good and bad human choices being made. I’m seeing consequences of these choices. I’m seeing strength and I’m seeing a whole lot of grace and forgiveness. Not once have I seen any belief system, Christian or otherwise be mocked and disrespected.
One of the things that this show prides itself on, and I see the writers really honor, Is the diversity in its characters and how they’re portrayed. Last nights episode was no different.
As a a television viewer, I love this show. As a Christian, I pray for this show to continue and I pray for its cast, crew and writers regularly. I pray that good stories will be able to continue to be told in an intelligent way that makes people think even after the final credits roll.
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