Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The lump that won't leave.

So, about two weeks ago, I found a lump. I was getting dressed, ran my hand down my chest and there it was. I was concerned but not overly worried. I made an appointment with my provider and got seen. He said that since it was painless, not totally round and a little hard, that it was probably hormonal. He found quite a bit of lumpiness. Judging from where I was in my cycle, totally believable.
So I made a mammogram appt. The soonest I could get seen is April 5th. I figured by then, the lump would be gone.
Over the last week or so, all the lumpiness has gone down except for the lump that I was seen for. It's still painless, really hard and doesn't move. It feels like gravel. I'm starting to worry again. This is all very foreign to me. 43 years old and I've NEVER had a lump. I called today to try and get my mammo moved up. No luck. Im going to keep trying.
Please keep me in prayer over the next couple of weeks.


Kim said...

I will keep you in my prayers Loriann. I just went through a similar thing complete with ultrasound, MRI and biopsies. All clear here. Better safe than sorry. God's peace to you as you wait.

Amy from VA said...

The waiting is so hard! I'll be thinking of you and waiting for good news.